Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday Snippets - a Catholic Carnival - Easter Sunday 2014

The Lord Is Risen Alleluia. Alleluia!  Christ has conquered death!
This is the greatest day to be a Christian – a brilliant reminder of the Hope that is in us.
     Rather lower on the scale of importance (what isn’t?), this is also the day for “Sunday Snippets – A Catholic Carnival”, a festive sort of gathering at This That and the Other Thing [link] where Catholic bloggers share their post from the previous week.
     For a variety of reasons it was a less productive a week at Principium et Finis than usual, but it did have its moments:

Wednesday -  Ran in to an old friend, Ma Jones.  We’ve gone our separate ways over the years, but, amidst the expected blather, she really did have an something interesting to say about poverty:   “In Mother Jones, Of All Places” [link]

Thursday – The answer to another venerable lie from the Abortion Industry (and, of course, childbirth is always safer for the baby):  “Abortion Myth #2” [link]

also – What more perfect image of human imperfection than Peter, James, and John dozing off at the most crucial moment? “Asleep In The Garden” [link]

Saturday – Something strnge is happening, strange and wonderful, and you are there: “Something strange is happening . . .” [link]

Gaudete! Christus Resurrectus est!

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