
Sunday, May 31, 2015

O God Almighty Father (Trinity Sunday Hymn) & Weekly Roundup

   Today is Trinity Sunday, on which we celebrate one of the most mysterious of Christian Mysteries.  I find it fairly easy to understand that there can only be one infinite being, one "Divine Substance"; I can also understand that love is something necessarily directed toward another, and so a God Who is Love would want to have other Persons to love.  I have a very hard time wrapping my finite mind around how they can both be true at the same time, but how could it be otherwise?  Fortunately, even if the philosophical explanations elude us, we can know the Triune God through the experience of Faith.  Thanks be to God.
     Perhaps because the Trinity is such a deep concept, there aren't a lot of Trinitarian hymns (certainly not on YouTube, anyway), but here's an old favorite, in a beautiful video created by JMJ HF videos.  I have included information about the group, which relies on charitable donations, beneath the Weekly Roundup below.

Weekly Roundup

We're right at the end of the school year, which leaves little time for bloggish pursuits, but I did manage to post both some new and some old (but worth revisiting) stuff over the past week.  Feel free to look around.

Tuesday: Pascal's Wager "old and outmoded"? Nonsense - see the "debunkers" debunked: “Has Pascal’s Wager Really Been ‘Debunked’?” [here]  

Wednesday – A sea-side meditation on the vastness of God's Mercy: “What Is Man That Thou Art Mindful Of Him?”[here]  

and – When we pray Lauds as part of the Liturgy of the Hours, we start our day confident that we have oriented ourselves toward our Lord: "Lauds Points Us In The Right Direction Every Morning”[here]  

Thursday – Attacks on the Church, Christian morality, and Holy Matrimony are nothing new, nor are heroic witnesses in their defense: “Blessed Margaret Pole: Martyred For Church And Marriage” [here]  

and - A Christendom that truly has Christ at its center cannot be conquered by any external enemies, but once Christ has been abandoned, well, what's to stop them? "If they do not rise to meet that challenge, they will lose their civilization" [here]

To help defray the cost of making these videos possible, please send donations to:
St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation of Texas
5628 Rosa Ave.
El Paso, TX  79905
Phone # (915) 500-3025
Please indicate donations are for support of the JMJ HF videos. 
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Corporation. You will receive a receipt for your donation. Thank you!

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