
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Holy, Holy, Holy (Lord God Almighty) & Weekly Roundup

     Today is Trinity Sunday, on which we commemorate the unique and absolutely necessary Christian doctrine that God is simultaneously One and Three.  The word “Trinity” is the Anglicized form of the Latin Trinitas, which was coined by Tertullian in the early third century.  It is a combination of the prefix tri- (three) and unitas (unity).  I once took a class from a gentleman who was fond of saying that it’s almost impossible to discuss the Trinity in detail without falling into heresy. I’m sure he was only half-serious, although if you’ve ever wondered why Tertullian isn’t “Saint” Tertullian, well, he fell into heresy later in life . . . but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
     Interestingly, there are not many hymns related to this foundational doctrine, and I have been unable to find a good video of a live performance of even the best known Trinitarian hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty."  I did find the recording below, however, which is a bit of a different take than I'm used to, but I like it (not all the commenters on YouTube agree).

Weekly Roundup

We're right at the end of the school year, which leaves little time for bloggish pursuits, but I did manage to post both some new and some old (but worth revisiting) stuff over the past week.  Feel free to look around.

Tuesday: Pascal's Wager "old and outmoded"? Nonsense - see the "debunkers" debunked: “Has Pascal’s Wager Really Been ‘Debunked’?” [here]  

Wednesday – A sea-side meditation on the vastness of God's Mercy: “What Is Man That Thou Art Mindful Of Him?”[here]  

and – When we pray Lauds as part of the Liturgy of the Hours, we start our day confident that we have oriented ourselves toward our Lord: "Lauds Points Us In The Right Direction Every Morning”[here]  

Thursday – Attacks on the Church, Christian morality, and Holy Matrimony are nothing new, nor are heroic witnesses in their defense: “Blessed Margaret Pole: Martyred For Church And Marriage” [here]  

and - A Christendom that truly has Christ at its center cannot be conquered by any external enemies, but once Christ has been abandoned, well, what's to stop them? "If they do not rise to meet that challenge, they will lose their civilization" [here]

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