
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Snippets (Corpus Christi)

     Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, often referred to by the ancient Latin  name Corpus Christi.  This is the third Sunday in a row (or the fourth for those who observe Ascension Thursday on a Sunday) on which we celebrate an annual feast rich in theological significance.  As it happens, (and, again, this was not planned – although maybe it should be) several of my posts in the week leading up to Corpus Christi dealt with the theme of embodiment, of the word taking flesh in some sense or other.
     Speaking of posts for the week, this is Sunday Snippets, a Catholic Carnival, in which some of us Catholic bloggers assemble under the gracious auspices of  our hostess RAnn at This That and the Other Thing [here] to share said posts for the week.  And what a week: Summertime, and bloggin’ ain’t easy, as the Gershwins  might say.  Odd as it might seem, working only one job at a time leaves me less time for bloggery.  One consolation: my eldest son is working with me at my summer job, which is happily and unexpectedly adding a new dimension to our relationship before he goes away for his first year of college.
     But I was talking about my posts for the week; here goes:

Monday - A tangent from the previous week’s discussing of clothing, by way of Mozart’s observation that  Protestants were all “in the head” and didn’t understand Christ’s embodiment as Agnus Dei, or Lamb of God: “Mozart, Herbert, and John the Baptist” [here]

and – Which in turn made me think of this magnificent piece: “Agnus Dei From Mozart’s Coronation Mass; St. John Paul II, Herbert von Karajan and Kathleen Battle” [here]

Wednesday -  Has anyone accused you of being a religious fanatic and a would-be tyrant lately?  Trust me, they have “Abortion Myth #15” [here]

Thursday – In which we discuss how words need to be “embodied” in deeds: “Doing” the Truth in Love (Throwback Thursday Edition) [here]

Friday – We close out the week with a defense of Catholic schooling, sparked by another post by our own RAnn, in which we discuss the fact that we do not simply process information, but are formed by our experiences (there it is again!): “Apologia for Catholic Education [here]

Finally, third time pays for all, as Bilbo Baggins says; we’ll give Mozart the last word, so to speak, on this feast of Corpus Christi:

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