Letter to Senators Re: LD 1428

To: Maine State Senators John Patrick, David Dutremble, John Tuttle, Troy Jackson, Margaret Craven, Anne Haskell, Edward Mazureck   5 February 2014-

Dear Senator XXX,

     We are very concerned that the judiciary committee has recommended defeat for LD 1428: An Act to Protect Religious FreedomThe bill in question would ensure that the state would need "compelling government interest" before burdening the free exercise of religion, and would need to apply the "least restrictive means” to serve that interest.  We understand that you haven’t yet decided to vote for the measure when it comes before the full Senate.
     The free exercise of religion is the first of the freedoms guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, and our strongest bulwark against tyranny.  The protections in this bill were considered to be an inherent part of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom for more than two centuries.  After several adverse Supreme Court decisions in 1990’s put our liberty at risk, Congress and President Clinton restored these protections at the federal level, and eighteen states have done so as well. The fundamental rights of Mainers deserve protection as well.
     Defending the freedoms of those who put you in office in one of the primary duties of legislators, and so we are confident that you will choose to vote in favor of LD 1428: An Act to Protect Religious Freedom.
Thank you,

James & Linda Milliken

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