
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring (Celtic Woman) & Weekly Roundup

I love this piece - as perfect an expression of Joy as we can hope to find in this world, and of course focused on our one true source of Joy, Jesus Christ.  He is Risen, Alleluiah, Alleluiah!

As an added bonus (no purchase necessary), below please see the Weekly Roundup of the past week's posts from Principium et Finis and Nisi Dominus.

What Is The Liturgy Of The Hours?” The second installment of my series on the Divine Office as a devotion for busy lay people.

Are We Collaborators In The Culture Of Death?” Hillary Clinton says religious believers need to change their beliefs in order to facilitate more abortions.  But that's not as surprising as the fact that millions of Catholics will vote for her anyway.

 “A Church Is Much, Much More Than A Building” Instead of closing Churches that have been at the center of people's lives for generations, maybe we should try to re-fill them . . . 

Peace, Baby!” A Vatican congregation decides, after nine years of study, to leave the Sign of Peace where it is, but they do agree that something should be done.

St. Joseph The Worker Invites Us All To Work For God’s Kingdom” It may have been instituted to counter the communists' May Day, but the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker has a lesson for everyone.

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