
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Haydn, The Creation: Chaos & God Created Heaven and Earth

     Here is the opening from Haydn's masterpiece, The Creation. This clip contains the overture, a musical evocation of Chaos, followed by God's Creation of Heaven and Earth. The Chaos section may not sound quite as chaotic to us as it did to audiences at the end of the eighteenth century, accustomed as most of us are to dissonant syncopated music, but this is still a powerful musical experience (listen for the Creation of Light c. 6:20), all the more so when we listen with the Biblical account in mind. If you'd like to know more about The Creation, there is a nice description of the work here on Wikipedia.

     Also, for those of you who feel up to little reading after enjoying some Papa Haydn, I've included my Weekly Roundup of posts from the past week below . . . no extra charge.  Have a Blessed Sunday!

Weekly Roundup From Principium et FinisNisi Dominus

May 12th – “The Invitatory Psalm: We Are Called To Relationship With God” Every day, the Liturgy of the Hours begins with an invitation from the Lord who Loves us 

May 13th – “’Doing' The Truth In Love” It seems there’s always more than meets the eye when we look at God’s Word in the Scriptures

May 13th – “Is Raul Ready To Repent?” Cuban dictator Raul Castro says he likes Pope Francis so much, that he might even return to the Church.  I suppose stranger things have happened . . .  

May 14th – “St. Matthias: The Church’s First Decision” This year St. Matthias’ Feast day falls on Ascension Thursday, but even when it doesn’t, there are some interesting connections between the two

May 14th – “Teenage Werewolves And Other Mythical Beasts: A Catholic View” We all must go through our teens to get to adulthood, but modern “teen culture” points our young people in a very different direction    

May 15th – “Why Jeopardy Doesn’t Know Judas” You know you’re in a post-Christian culture when none of three adults chosen at random can name the betrayer of Jesus 

May 15th – “Abortion Myth #13” Pro-abortionists insist that legal abortion is essential to women rights, but the truth is that abortion exploits and demeans women

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