
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival (18 May 2014)

From the Cumberland County Fair Fairbook
Today is the 5th Sunday of Easter.  Welcome once again to “Sunday Snippets – A Catholic Carnival”,  in which a few of us Catholic bloggers hang out at This That and the OtherThing with our hostess RAnn and swap compilations of our posts from the previous week (find the whole gang [here]).  And when we call it “carnival”, don’t think of one of those wild carnivals with all sorts of unfortunate goings-on; picture instead an old-fashioned country fair, with a wide variety of wholesome offerings.  After all, we are all loyal to the Magisterium of the Church, high-minded, clean living (at least I am !) and, well, we don’t go in for that sort of nonsense.  So don’t get any ideas.
     Speaking of variety, we had a varied week at Principium et Finis:

Monday - Got riled up by something I saw on the ever-interesting Fr. Z’s blog.  What can I tell you?  I don’t go for altar girls distributing Holy Communion . “What will they think of next?” [here]

Tuesday – An article in American Heritage magazine fifteen years ago got me to thinking about the alleged inevitability of the so-called “youth counter-culture” and our current conventional wisdom concerning adolescence.  I’m still thinking.  “Teenage Werewolves and Other Mythical Beasts” [here]

Wednesday – At some point during the week between the Ascension of Jesus and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentacost the nascent Church got together to select Mathias as successor to Judas.  When I read the account in the Acts of the Apostles, I had the feeling I’d seen it all somewhere else . . . “The Church’s First Decision: St. Mathias”  [here]

and – A lovely piece from Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro, it’s begins in lamentation, but rises to a soaring song of love and hope. “ Dove Sono – Carol Vaness (Le Nozze di Figaro)” [here]

Thursday – There are those who argue that it should be permissible to abort an “abnormal fetus”  Here’s why they’re wrong: “Abortion Myth #5 (Throwback Thursday Edition)”  [here]

That’s all for this week- y’all come back now, hear?

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